Sunday, November 4, 2012

Moving Forward...

Hello, all. It's been 6 weeks since my last post. After this last setback with the infection and a 2nd stay at the nursing facility, I wound up being let go from one of my part time jobs. After some reflex resentment, I realized that this wasn't such a bad thing. I no longer have to sift through people's donated filth while physically taxing myself for minimum wage with no hope for a raise or any future advancement. Turns out after nearly 2 years, this is a fine time to move on.

With the extra time I've found, I subconsciously have been shying away from Facebook, blogging, and most computer related activities. My focus has been on healing, walking, seeing my friends at the gym and the lanes, and appreciating not being confined to a building with tubes stuck in me.

Now, Lord willing, it looks like the worst is behind me as the wounds close and my strength returns. And this is where I'd like to leave it in the context of this blog and life in general. Behind me. My plan here is to pick up where I left off writing about my life experiences as an obese person and the events that shaped them. So, without further ado...

As I began my 40's, my frustration level and dissatisfaction with life in general seemed to rise along with my weight. The difference was that the increase in pounds was far less subtle than the other problems. It took a very long time and a rude awakening to realize all these things fed off one another and became the most vicious of cycles.

I got very proficient at finding reasons to be disgruntled at work. This was the best paying job of my life and the least physically demanding. Yet things would get to me such as the 65-mile one-way commute and my perceived politicking and favoritism in the workplace.

By the time completing my degree was close at hand, my attitude was souring to the point where I just wanted to get it over with. What started as an exciting challenge in 1999 to complete my education became a tiring nuisance in 2003.

Only recently have I realized that all this negativity was brought about because of the PHYSICAL effort it took to do all the things I was doing. There was no way I could handle everything for much longer simply because I was nowhere near the condition necessary to handle it! I was taking on all the challenges I felt were important EXCEPT the most important one. Sound familiar, anyone?

So early in 2002 I gave up the job. In September of 2003 I finally earned my degree. Where did this get me? To the status of an unemployed college graduate. With a horrible weight problem.

As my mid-forties passed, I found out how tough finding employment is for a severely obese individual. I got interviews, but once I walked in and met the employers, there was always 2 strikes against me. I was perceived as a liability with all the labels that severely overweight people are subjected to. Without certain benefits I managed to qualify for and ever dwindling savings, I could easily have been out on the streets.

Fortunately, in 2007, at age 46, I picked up a tutoring job as a result of a TELEPHONE interview. The whole process was applying on line, e-mail arrangement of the interview, and the interview itself. In the entire process I never saw anyone face to face. There is no doubt in my mind that this made all the difference in my hirability. Being hired for this position began a series of events which slowly turned my life around for the better.

Obviously, starting my training and weight-loss has been the highlight and cornerstone of all these events. The acquisition of the tutoring job will be a good place to start the next post as it signifies the dawn of a slow but sure turnaround to positivity in a massively negative life.

My buddy is reaching for his next move. What am I reaching for?

Engaged in my old favorite activity.

That's more like it!