Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My name is Ken White. In April of 2008 I stepped on the electronic scale at the health clinic and it read 580 lbs. There I was, 47 years old and racing to an early grave. For about 7 months I worked out on my own and managed to drop about 60 lbs. Then, I quit for about 3 months and started gaining again. Finally, in February 2009 I decided to give it one more try and went to the gym near my new apartment.

The first day there I stumbled around working out not knowing what I was doing. When I was wrapping it up, the head trainer there approached me and we had a chat. She basically saw that I was trying my best, but without guidance I was going to eventually injure myself. Then she presented me with an opportunity that put me at a crossroads in my life. She offered to train me free of charge 5 days a week!

Well, this was a real wake up call to me. The question was literally being put to me, "Do you want to live or die?" I knew there were no more excuses. What more could I ask for to drop the pounds. Well, I chose to live, putting absolutely 100% into those workouts. Not only that, I was given an education in nutrition and behavioral modification. I was held accountable for my eating habits by keeping a journal of every bite of food I ate.

I was doing well until my trainer left for another job. Fortunately, 3 of her employees (who are now 3 of my best friends) took up the slack and tag-teamed me. Each one trained me one day a week, so I could continue at least a 3-day per week regimen. I found other ways to exercise on the other days, so I developed a very active life-style.

It was never easy, but it has been absolutely worth every drop of sweat, every sacrifice of junk food. This incredible life experience has helped me to lose over 300 lbs. in 2 1/2 years!! I got to a record low weight of 227 lbs. when we stopped training for weight loss and started training for strength and flexibility. Since then I've put on about 15 lbs.of muscle.

I know it was like winning the lottery to be given the chance that I got. What I'd like to do here is to reach those who are in the situation I was in that fateful day in April 2008. I was middle-aged, miserable, depressed, could hardly move, and just plain wanted to give up on life. Food and lots of it was just the way things were going to be. Well, I want to inspire and motivate people who think this to be their lot in life and tell them change can absolutely happen without shortcuts or surgery. In future posts, I'd like to share insights and details about this transformation and maybe put some advice out there for those who'd like it.

This is really just a launching pad, but let me know what you think and let's see where this goes. God bless!


  1. Ken, I'm thrilled to be the first comment here on your blog! after meeting you I know without a doubt that you will never be that person that stepped on that scale in April 2008....the same as I know I will never be the person that stepped on a scale Jan 2005. It's about energy, attitude, outlook, hope, believing, inspiration, good feelings, awakening, connecting with our bodies in a way that a lot of people, overweight or never overweight, will ever do take the chance/chances to do....and that's fine, for them, no judgement. But for us this was our experience, and personally I would not trade a moment of it! The best is yet to come Ken, the best is yet to come...you'll see!

  2. Nice job, Ken!!! You've done an amazing job. I'm really proud of you and happy for you! Keep up the great work!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ken this is such an awesome step for you! Everyone at FULL FORCE Personal Training is so proud of you. I feel honored to have helped in your journey. Thank you so much for having enough confidence in me to help you get to your goal. You did ALL the work and deserve ALL the credit. Keep pushing, and striving for bigger and bigger goals! Never look back buddy.

  5. This is amazing journey! I can't wait to watch it continue to unfold. I'm in the middle of my own journey and was in need of refreshment. This really helped inspire me again; thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad to hear you're making strides of your own! Encouragements from friends and well-wishers has been as vital as any other element of the process. Keep striving and let us all know how you're progressing!!

  6. Ken, I look forward to your blogs. You're an inspiration to everyone who has ever thought that "it's just no use, I'll always be this way." And yes, I am one of those. Thank you for the inspiration! Happy Swinging!!! ~Teresa ♥

    1. Teresa, I truly appreciate your feedback! No doubt in my mind you are taking big steps for your own transformation. Words like yours inspire me to keep the blogs going...live life and be strong!

  7. YES. This is why I get up every day looking forward to work with my clients / friends / acquaintances on their health and wellness goals. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE, UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE.


    1. Changing lives for the better must be the most gratifying way to make a living ever! And you're right, like Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over 'til it's over!"

  8. Congratulations to you, friend. I look forward to following your blog and seeing your continued progress!

    I was at a similar "Do you want to live or die?" moment two years ago. This past Saturday I earned my HKC certification. Kettlebell training, in addition to changing my eating patterns permanently, saved my life as well.
