Saturday, February 9, 2013

How Time Flies!

     It has been 4 years to the day since I walked into that gym and unexpectedly began this magical mystery tour which has happily turned my life upside-down (or should I say right-side up). In many ways 4 years can seem like a very long time. For me, it has been a less than 8% sliver of my life that has fast-forwarded me to the best part.
     Yes, I did all the work and lost all the extra hundreds of pounds that I’d been packing on for close to 50 years. But if not for the kind-hearted professionals who took me in and showed me how to do it, I’m certain I wouldn’t be around to write this or any other post.
      In my mind, there are very few events that happen purely by accident. People come along in our lives seemingly by chance and make an impact that we couldn’t begin to imagine. My belief is that for most of us these special, life-changing individuals are divinely placed to prompt us into fulfilling a major purpose.
     All this being said, I can only theorize that languishing in super-obesity for over 90% of my life was meant to serve as an example of how a person can come out of an awful life situation and change into a more positive existence. How ironic that not so long ago I didn’t much care about what the future held. This is certainly no longer my attitude towards life. Now, if it is meant to be that there is something even better and more challenging on the horizon that all the past has been preparing me for, then let’s get TO it!

Notice how in the first 3 photos I'm constantly hovering around food. Do I look happy?
Now check out these pics. No food around. Do I look happy? 

One last silly bragging little thing (just can't help myself). Another dream bowling night last night. 279+234+228=741 series! The point is before, I wasn't even trying to do the things I love to do. Now everything's off the a good way!

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